Version 1.7.5
Posted by Tue, Apr 22 2014 14:14:00
on A revision update like 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 normally doesn't get an announcement, but the changes in this are pretty substantial. Not quite substantial enough to warrant going to version 1.8, but enough to comment on!
The focus of 1.7.5 has been the registration system, with the following changes made:
- Streamlined checkout page.
- Added new payment statuses (deposit, partial, reserved).
- Added ability to issue full and partial refunds and credits, transfer payments from one registration to another, and use credits to pay for other registrations.
- Added multiple price points for events, each with their own rules, open and close dates.
- Registrants can now edit their questionnaire answers and payment choices (if applicable) before payment is made.
- Added option to allow unpaid registrations to be reserved for a per-event configurable time.
- Added features to automate management of waiting lists.
Along the way, there have also been a number of non-registration changes:
- Playoff schedule editing now allows you to set game names and adjust matchups if required.
- Added bulk user import function.
- Custom headers on some emails should improve delivery rates.
- The team_count rule can now handle date ranges like membership_type, and include_subs like league_team_count.
- Added a default privacy policy and default membership letter.
- Fixed location of map marker graphics.
- Added VCF option for importing contact information into compatible apps.
- Added preview of spirit questionnaires, legend of spirit symbols, and a new questionnaire.
A pretty major piece of work, and one which we expect will make registration and administration that much easier for everyone. Coming up: scheduling improvements, internationalization, and more!
Posted in Announcements, Features