Attendance oddity...

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Attendance oddity...

Post by sulfur »

I was playing around with the attendance screen and noticed something very unusual today:
A snippet of the attendance screen...
A snippet of the attendance screen...
attendance.png (10.75 KiB) Viewed 81824 times
What's odd here is that there's a game missing at the start of that from Oct 19, 2013, and the Nov 2, 2013 game has been doubled.

I put some quick and dirty debugging code into the view (views/teams/attendance.ctp) and this is what it printed out:

Code: Select all

Missing game_id 9 along the way (that's the first game in the list, and coincidentally, the first one in the table too). I can't see anything obvious as to why this would occur, as everything seems normal with the schedule on other pages I look at for that same team.

Related: Where is the "tooltip" code that deals with the popups for game information on that page?
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Re: Attendance oddity...

Post by GregS »

That is odd! Any chance you can send me a dump of the database to look at? You didn't make any manual updates in the database that might have messed things up?

Game tooltips come from views/games/tooltip.ctp, and are loaded on-the-fly by jQuery code created in views/elements/tooltips.ctp, interacting with HTML that was created from views/elements/games/block.ctp.
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Re: Attendance oddity...

Post by sulfur »

I did make some manual changes to the DB, specifically in the status on the attendance (mostly because I wanted to see what things looked like, and the system wouldn't let me do it via the interface, except for the upcoming game -- I would guess that there was some time lag between points A and B in there...)

Which bits of the DB do you want?
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Re: Attendance oddity...

Post by GregS »

I'd need at least the attendances table, but then I could only look at it manually in a text editor, which may or may not be illuminating. Including game_slots and games makes it more useful, but then I really need divisions (and hence leagues) as well, and fields (and hence facilities) perhaps make it easier for me to just throw it into an existing database and have it make some sort of sense. Probably easier to send it to rather than attaching it here.
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Re: Attendance oddity...

Post by sulfur »

Well, we have one league, one division, and one facility (and one field) at the moment, so that simplifies those tables! Haha.

I'll get a dump together and email it shortly.
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Re: Attendance oddity...

Post by GregS »

Well, I'm at a loss here. I imported your dump into my test database, and it displays the attendance for this team correctly, with a game on Oct 19 and only one on Nov 2. Any chance that I can get SSH access on your server, and an admin account, and debug in-place? Realize that this may be sticky because of privacy implications, but maybe you can save the people table and then clear sensitive info and reset the admin password?
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Re: Attendance oddity...

Post by sulfur »

Unfortunately not -- no shell access to begin with, but very limited on where access can come from unfortunately.

For the time being, we'll just suffer through this and I'll keep poking at it. My test site works perfectly, but the production has a weird hiccough. I just don't get it.
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