[Zuluru] Version 1.6.6

Greg Schmidt admin at zuluru.org
Wed May 29 17:30:09 EDT 2013

When version 1.6.5 was released, I said that it was a bundled release of
minor items prior to starting the badge system. The badge system turned out
to have some unexpected complexities, plus real life intruded (my girlfriend
moved in with me!), so it's been longer in coming than expected. It's not
quite ready for release yet (just finalizing some of the badge graphics at
this point), but in the meantime I've completed a bunch more minor bug fixes
and added a handful of small-but-useful features, so version 1.6.6, released
last night, is another bundled release. 1.6.7 should be along in a day or
two with the badge system, after which the next few features will be
primarily aimed at supporting the U23 tournament (some of these, such as
more complete tournament scheduling, will benefit many users). I will, of
course, still be addressing bugs as reported.
Features added in 1.6.6 are as follows:

*	Improved playoff scheduling, including new options for 3 and 7 teams
and more flexible slot assignment (requested by TUC) 

*	Add spirit highlights question, for sports that use spirit
(requested by WODS) 

*	Add waiver history to player profile (WODS pointed out that this was

*	Add per-league tie-breaker options (requested by MZU) 

*	Attendance tracking option is now checked by default for team
registration (requested by GUPA) 

*	Handle multiple rounds in round-robin divisions where teams might
move between divisions after each round-robin completes (requested by MZU) 

*	Improved formatting for long pop-ups

If you are hosted with Zuluru.net, you are now upgraded to version 1.6.6. If
I am responsible for managing updates to your site, I will update you to
version 1.6.6 on request. If you are managing your own code updates, I
encourage you to update to version 1.6.6 at your earliest convenience,
though none of the bugs resolved are in any way critical.

As always, if you have any questions about these releases or Zuluru in
general, don't hesitate to contact me! Remember that replies to this message
will go straight to me, not to the mailing list.


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